Week XII

What an amazing arrangement of various flowers that we had never had before! And what an interesting scent it had, also! My surprise came when I expressed my opinion about the scent, saying it smelled citrusy, and Finn, Gerry, and Michael all said it did not! Gerry thought it smelled like cow parsley, or like animal, and the rest seemed to agree with him. It must have been the combination of rice flower and pistache foliage that gave it this particular aroma.
  The bouquet was very fresh, and all of its flowers were chosen to be able to withstand the heat through the whole week. All fared spectacularly well, except perhaps not surprisingly the antirrhinum that started wilting on Wednesday. I am quite pleased with our flowers this week, they are highly recommended on warm weather! Special thanks to Gerry who took good care of the flowers in my absence!


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