This bouquet was a cornucopia of flowers! Perhaps this week has been the most epic combination of colours we have had in our vase. Perhaps this is the only appropiate way we could have welcomed September in all its glory!
After more than twenty weeks of absence, three lilies made their return to our office. I was a little concerned that their scent would be overwhelming as it had previously been but the personality that they added to the arrangement was so compelling that not having them was simply not an option. In a pleasant surprise, their aroma was more subdued, thus bearable, during the week. The smell was still quite blatant, but it was nice as opposed to aggresive.
A distinctive feature was the physalis, with their bright orange. Of course, on this very important occasion we had to have a hydrangea to bring balance, elegance, and beauty. Normally Gerry is quite reserved when it comes to commenting about our flowers but this week he let me know he was pleased with our selection. Same with Craig, even though his approval is usually silent, this time he told me out loud he really liked them.
People often say that the difference between a good day and a bad day is our attitude. I am hoping that starting this month with such beautiful flowers serves as a good omen that brings us happiness and fun times.
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