We have reached the last arrangement of 2018. We tried having some festive vibes and I think this is emphasised by the sticks that were painted silver, the overall red hue that dominates the bouquet, and the pine that acts as a filler.
  When I look back at the first arrangements that we had, I can see that we have grown in our appreciation of flowers, and the way in which we display them. As we get closer to our first year anniversary of reviewing flower arrangements, I remain deeply satisfied with the decision of decorating the office with bouquets, and with the decision of having started this blog shortly afterwards.
  The St Andrews Floral Review reminds me that becoming aware of one's own progress is a very gratifying experience. It is because of that reason that I encourage everyone to pursue their long term projects with enthusiasm. Progress can seem like a slow process, but if one has the determination to stick with a project for long enough, the stressful feeling that time flies promptly becomes the pleasant realisation that progress comes much faster than expected. Just do not give up.


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